Tuesday, June 24, 2008


We held our June meeting at Brookhaven Republican Headquarters on Tuesday, June 24. Our scheduled guest speaker, Joseph A. Bollhofer was unable to attend due to an accicent he had that afternoon while working with a wood router at his home. He injured his hand and spent the greater part of that evening at the emergency room. The extent of his injury is not known at this time. We wish him a speedy recovery.
Attendance at our meetings continue to be outstanding. Thank you to all of you who faithfully attend our meetings month after month. This was our last meeting for the summer. Our next meeting is in September, which is our "Meet the Candidates" meeting. Also, watch for details about our 2ND Annual "Family Fun Night" miniature golf outing with Councilwoman Kathy Walsh the later part of August.
To view more pictures of our June meeting, click on the link below or on the title.
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